50 Best eCommerce Marketing Tools: eCommerce Marketing Tool List

Having an eCommerce business online creates so many opportunities. It is easier to reach out to and engage with your target audience, you can also easily grow your eCommerce sales

However, it is important to implement the right eCommerce marketing strategies to grow your brand awareness. Whether you run a blogging business, a tech start-up, or a big mobile app development business, eCommerce marketing tools can become an integral part of your business’s day-to-day growth.

Imagine your eCommerce business as a bustling marketplace, teeming with high-demand digital products. Now, picture your ideal customer discovering these products effortlessly, guided by a strategic eCommerce marketing strategy that resonates across the digital landscape. 

You need to decide which eCommerce tool is worth the investment, and which offers you an advantage over your competitors. Combined with a smart marketing strategy, the right eCommerce marketing tools can grow your online store.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top 50 eCommerce marketing tools that can elevate your online business and propel it to new heights.

eCommerce Marketing Tools List

Here’s a curated list of 20 tools that can revolutionize the way you approach and enhance your online business:

  • Google Analytics
  • Mailchimp
  • HubSpot
  • SEMrush
  • Hootsuite
  • Hotjar
  • OptinMonster
  • ReferralCandy
  • Canva
  • Zendesk
  • Magento
  • Klaviyo
  • AdRoll
  • Crazy Egg
  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • BuzzSumo

Each of these tools brings a unique set of capabilities to the table, catering to different facets of eCommerce marketing. Whether you’re delving into analytics, refining your SEO strategy, optimizing your social media presence, or elevating customer support, this diverse toolkit has got you covered.

50 Best eCommerce Marketing Tools

Here are some of the best eCommerce marketing tools for business owners:

eCommerce Platforms

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is the crucial first step in establishing your online store. The market is dominated by two giants—Shopify and BigCommerce—each offering unique advantages.

1. Shopify

Shopify stands as the juggernaut of eCommerce platforms, claiming about 80% of the market share. Renowned for its extensive collection of apps and plugins, it caters to businesses of all sizes, providing impeccable infrastructure and support. With over 4,000 apps in the Shopify App Store, customization and scalability are at your fingertips.

2. BigCommerce

BigCommerce, the second-largest player, boasts advantages such as no commission fees on purchases, making it a more cost-effective option than Shopify. Recognized for its security and native features, it’s a robust platform suitable for businesses aiming for seamless scalability.

3. Magento

For those with a knack for customization, Magento offers open-source software that allows complete control over your store’s design. While it can get pricey without the right infrastructure, tech-savvy users can find it to be a cost-effective choice with unparalleled flexibility.

4. WooCommerce

WooCommerce, an open-source plugin for WordPress, provides an effortless way for WordPress sites to delve into eCommerce. Boasting its own set of apps, it seamlessly integrates with WordPress, making it an accessible option for those seeking a straightforward eCommerce setup.

5. Ecwid

Ecwid emerges as a versatile eCommerce platform, seamlessly integrating with various platforms beyond the mainstream choices. With a user-friendly interface and diverse compatibility, it caters to businesses of all sizes.

6. Squarespace

Squarespace combines stunning design with eCommerce functionality, offering a visually appealing platform for businesses focused on aesthetics. Ideal for creative ventures, it provides a holistic solution for online stores.

7. PrestaShop

PrestaShop, an open-source eCommerce solution, empowers users with the freedom to customize their stores according to individual preferences. While not as mainstream, it offers cost-effective options for those tech-savvy enough to handle the setup.

8. Wix

Wix, known for its drag-and-drop website builder, extends its capabilities to eCommerce. With a user-friendly interface and a plethora of design options, it’s a choice for those seeking simplicity without compromising on aesthetics.

eCommerce Marketplace Tools

Now that your store is set up, it’s time to connect with channels that amplify your product visibility. Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and others are integral in this process.

9. Google Shopping

Leverage the power of Google Shopping to showcase your products in search results. With the CedCommerce Google Shopping Feed App, integrating your product feed becomes a breeze. Get ready for increased visibility and potential sales.

10. Shopify’s Shop Channel

Exclusive to Shopify stores, the Shop Channel app recommends various eCommerce products to consumers, fostering a unique and personalized shopping experience. With a focus on local store discovery, it’s an avenue that Shopify is actively investing in for the future.

11. Amazon

Tap into the colossal marketplace with Amazon, boasting over 300 million active users. With an Amazon merchant account and tools like Amazon by CedCommerce, seamlessly integrate your products and capitalize on the vast customer base.

12. eBay

For specific categories like tech, home and garden, and collectibles, eBay serves as a lucrative marketplace. The eBay Shopify app simplifies the integration process, making it easier for Shopify users to diversify their sales channels.

13. Etsy

Etsy, renowned for its focus on handmade and unique products, provides a dedicated marketplace for artisans and crafters. For businesses with distinct offerings, Etsy serves as a specialized platform to reach a niche audience.

14. Rakuten

Rakuten, a global eCommerce giant, opens doors to a vast marketplace where businesses can connect with a diverse pool of customers. With a worldwide presence, it offers opportunities for international expansion.

15. Newegg

Newegg caters to the tech-savvy audience, making it an ideal platform for businesses specializing in electronics and gadgets. With a focus on innovation, it provides a dedicated space for tech enthusiasts.

eCommerce Advertising Tools

Advertising is a potent tool for eCommerce growth. Leveraging various advertising platforms, reporting tools, and aggregators can significantly impact your brand’s visibility and sales.

16. Google Ads

Google Ads, a powerhouse in online advertising, allows you to target specific keywords, run banner ads, and experiment with various ad campaigns. Optimize your Google Ads campaigns effortlessly with tools like Clever.

17. Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads, a primary driver of hyper-business growth, enables precise audience targeting based on interests. With tools like the Facebook channel app by Shopify and Facebook & Instagram Shopping app by CedCommerce, seamlessly integrate your store and manage ads effectively.

18. AdRoll

AdRoll emerges as a comprehensive tool, connecting your product feed and running ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and over 500 networks. Its templates and user-friendly interface make setting up targeted ad sequences a breeze.

19. Taboola

Taboola, specializing in native advertising, places your ads alongside articles on major publisher sites. Perfect for the awareness stage of the buyer journey, it’s an effective tool to retarget customers and boost your brand presence.

eCommerce Email Marketing Tools

eCommerce Email marketing remains a powerhouse in retaining customer data and fostering brand-customer relationships. Choose from the following tools to power up your email campaigns.

20. Klaviyo

With robust segmentation, campaign creation, and automation features, Klaviyo is a go-to tool for email marketing. Its integration with Shopify makes it a seamless choice for brands looking to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

21. Omnisend

Omnisend, an omnichannel platform, goes beyond email campaigns to include push notifications and SMS. Ideal for managing various campaigns in one place, it offers similar email features to Klaviyo at a more budget-friendly price point.

22. MailerLite

MailerLite combines simplicity with powerful email marketing features. Suitable for businesses of all sizes, it offers automation, segmentation, and design capabilities without overwhelming users.

23. Constant Contact

Constant Contact emphasizes building and nurturing customer relationships through effective email marketing. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, it caters to businesses aiming for strong customer engagement.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

Harnessing the power of organic traffic through effective SEO is paramount for eCommerce success. Explore these eCommerce marketing tools to optimize your site for search engines.

24. Google Search Console

Google Search Console provides essential insights into your site’s performance, traffic, and potential errors. It’s an indispensable tool for optimizing your site, improving search rankings, and ensuring a seamless user experience.

25. Moz

Moz stands as a comprehensive SEO tool, offering insights into search rankings, keyword research, and backlinks. With a user-friendly interface, it’s ideal for businesses aiming to boost their organic presence.

26. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO, a WordPress plugin, seamlessly integrates with WordPress sites to enhance SEO. For businesses running their eCommerce operations on WordPress, Yoast provides a user-friendly solution for optimizing content.

27. Google Trends

Google Trends offers a historical perspective on keyword searches, aiding in trend analysis and content planning. Ideal for discovering industry trends and determining the topics that resonate with your audience.

28. Google PageSpeed Insights

To ensure your site performs optimally, Google PageSpeed Insights analyzes and provides recommendations for speed optimization. A crucial tool for maintaining an efficient and user-friendly online storefront.

29. Ahrefs

Ahrefs, a powerhouse in the SEO realm, assists in monitoring search rankings, discovering keywords, and tracking backlinks. Perfect for researching competitors and generating content ideas to enhance your online presence.

eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

Enhancing user experience and optimizing conversion rates are timeless goals for eCommerce. Explore these tools to refine your site’s usability.

30. HotJar

HotJar, an analytics tool, employs heatmaps, video recordings, and customer feedback to provide invaluable insights into user behavior. Identify areas of improvement in your eCommerce funnel and optimize for a seamless customer journey.

31. VWO

VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) specializes in conversion optimization through A/B testing. For businesses seeking to refine their user experience and boost conversions, VWO provides a robust platform.

32. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg offers insights into user behavior through heatmaps, providing a visual representation of how users interact with a website. Ideal for businesses aiming to enhance user experience and design, Crazy Egg adds a visual dimension to optimization.

33. Google Optimize

Google Optimize, seamlessly integrated with Google Analytics, allows you to set up A/B tests and multivariate tests. Perfect for refining your site based on user data and decreasing bounce rates.

34. Optimizely

Optimizely caters to larger eCommerce brands, offering A/B testing, multivariate tests, forecasting, and personalized messaging. Experiment with chatbots and enhance user experience through targeted experiments.

Social Media Tools

Staying agile in the ever-changing world of social media is crucial for eCommerce success. Leverage these tools to meet your customers’ expectations and build an engaged audience.

35. Canva

Canva simplifies the creation of visual content with thousands of templates for various social media posts. Perfect for designing banners and graphics, it ensures your brand maintains a visually appealing presence.

36. Buffer

Buffer streamlines the publishing of social media posts across various platforms. With analytics, engagement tools, and planning features, it’s an accessible option for maintaining an active and consistent social media presence.

37. Hootsuite

Hootsuite serves as a centralized hub for social media management, allowing businesses to schedule posts, track engagement, and manage multiple social accounts from one platform. It streamlines social media efforts for enhanced efficiency.

38. SocialBee

SocialBee provides a strategic approach to social media posting, offering features like content categorization and scheduling. For businesses aiming for a consistent and well-planned social media strategy, SocialBee is a valuable tool.

Social Proof and UGC Tools

Displaying social proof through customer images and videos is pivotal for building trust and improving the customer experience. Explore these tools to showcase your brand’s authenticity.

39. Trustpilot

Trustpilot stands as a platform for collecting and showcasing customer reviews. With a focus on transparency, it allows businesses to build trust and credibility through authentic customer feedback.

40. TINT

TINT specializes in curating user-generated content from various social media platforms. By showcasing real customers using products, it adds a layer of authenticity to a brand’s online presence.

41. Pixlee

Pixlee focuses on visual marketing through user-generated content. By incorporating authentic visuals from customers, businesses can create a compelling narrative that resonates with their audience.

42. Yotpo

Yotpo, a comprehensive eCommerce marketing automation platform, utilizes AI to analyze and customize user-generated content galleries. Enhance your brand’s authenticity and engage customers with compelling visuals and reviews.

eCommerce Loyalty & Rewards Tools

Loyalty and referral programs are instrumental in customer retention and brand advocacy. Integrate these tools to incentivize customer loyalty and attract new audiences.

43. Smile

Smile stands as a popular loyalty and rewards tool, enabling the quick setup of referral and rewards programs. Reward customers for sharing products, making purchases, and even celebrating birthdays.

44. Swell

Acquired by Yotpo, Swell offers extensive integrations and is suitable for larger brands. As part of Yotpo’s Loyalty & Referrals, it provides a comprehensive solution for incentivizing customer loyalty.

Data Analytics Tools

Data forms the foundation for eCommerce marketing strategies. Utilize these analytics tools to aggregate, analyze, and unlock insights that drive business growth.

45. Looker

Looker focuses on data exploration and analysis, allowing businesses to uncover actionable insights. With a user-friendly interface, it empowers users to navigate and understand their data for strategic decision-making.

46. Mixpanel

Mixpanel specializes in advanced analytics, particularly focusing on user behavior. By tracking interactions and engagements, businesses gain a deep understanding of how users interact with their platforms.

47. Google Analytics

Google Analytics remains the go-to software for analyzing site performance. From traffic and audience demographics to conversion data, it offers a wealth of information to guide your marketing strategies.

Affiliate Marketing Tools

Affiliate marketing is an effective way to build partnerships with online publishers and bloggers. These tools assist in creating and managing affiliate programs.

48. UpPromote

UpPromote simplifies the setup of your affiliate program with an easy-to-use dashboard for tracking links, coupons, and transaction metrics. With a free plan and affordable pricing, it’s accessible for businesses of all sizes.

49. PartnerStack

PartnerStack serves as a comprehensive partner management platform, facilitating revenue-sharing partnerships. Ideal for businesses looking to establish and manage affiliate programs, it streamlines collaboration with partners.

50. Impact Radius

Impact Radius provides an end-to-end solution for partner management, covering affiliate marketing and beyond. With features like real-time tracking and comprehensive reporting, it offers a robust platform for businesses seeking comprehensive partner management.

There You Have It – Get Marketing!

In the vast landscape of eCommerce marketing tools, each serves a unique purpose in elevating your online business. Whether you’re establishing your store on a robust platform, expanding your reach through marketplaces, or refining your marketing strategy with analytics and optimization tools, the key lies in strategic integration.

Selecting the right combination of tools tailored to your business needs ensures a cohesive and effective approach to eCommerce marketing. Remember, the true power of these tools lies not just in acquisition but in the strategic and creative ways you leverage them to propel your online store to new heights. 

As you embark on this eCommerce journey, may these tools be the guiding stars leading your brand to unparalleled success in the dynamic digital landscape.


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Joanna Okedara-Kalu

Writer & Blogger

Hello! I'm Tiwalade Joanna Okedara-Kalu, Creative Director at Techdella. With a rich background in tech freelancing and a passion for innovation, I'm excited to shape Techdella into the ultimate tech business hub. Join me on this journey of exploration and creativity in the world of technology!

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