How to Make an eCommerce Business Plan

An eCommerce business can help position your business in the right direction. What is the first step to starting an eCommerce business? The first step in starting an eCommerce business is to map out your business plan. 

Like things you will be selling online, how to sell it, and listing out the things that will help you succeed in your online business, an eCommerce business plan goes beyond that, we will look at a comprehensive guide on how to write a convincing and achievable eCommerce business plan. 

15 eCommerce business ideas to start can inspire you when writing your eCommerce Business plans, you can explore these ideas and discover various niches that align with your goals to help lay a good foundation for the success of your online eCommerce business plan. 

Also, check 18 Software Start-up ideas for Tech Entrepreneurs

This article will give you an in-depth knowledge of how to make an eCommerce business plan. 

What is an eCommerce business plan? 

An eCommerce business plan is a formal document that contains your business goals, the strategies and resources for achieving these goals, and the timeframe needed to achieve the goals and growth of your eCommerce brand. It also analyses your industry and competitors. 

Why do I need an eCommerce Business plan?

  • It helps the business owner set clear short- and long-term goals and then create an action plan to achieve them. 
  • It helps you set your priorities right by making you focus on doing the right and most important thing that needs to be done in your business. 
  • It will help you know your target audience and the best way to put your products in front of them. 
  • It will help you avoid most mistakes and reduce the risks your business is exposed to. 
  • A good business plan will help you create an alignment among your business partners and make everyone have the same vision. 
  • It also gives your potential business partners good reasons why they should collaborate with you
  • It will prove that your business idea is viable to the market. 
  • It gives a good reason to potential investors why they support your business. 
  • It offers an easy way to communicate your vision to potential staff while building their confidence in your business


      How Do I Create an eCommerce Business Plan?


      1. Draft an Executive Summary




      2. Give a detailed description of your business


      3. Highlight your products and services


      4. Conduct Market Analysis


      5. Develop Your Sales and Marketing Plan 


      6. Perform Customer Segmentation


      7. Set Your Financial Plan

      1. Draft an Executive Summary of an eCommerce Business plan
      2. Give a detailed description of your business
      3. Highlight your products and services
      4. Conduct a market analysis
      5. Develop your sales and marketing plan. 
      6. Perform customer Segmentation 
      7. Financial plan.

      Executive Summary 

      This will be the introduction to your eCommerce business plan. As in every other form of writing, it should be the hook that would get the reader to continue reading, and arouse the reader’s interest. 

      It should share the summary of your vision for your online business and answer questions like What does your business do? What products are you selling? Who is your audience? Where are you going to sell your products/your target market, brand name, and domain name?

      Make it clear and concise to fit into one or two pages.

      Your executive summary should contain the following elements:

      • Business goals and mission statement
      • Brief introduction of your eCommerce business products and services 
      • Your business history. What is your current revenue and what milestones have you achieved? This applies to an existing business
      • Management team
      • Business structure 
      • Financial and growth plans. Are you seeking funding from investors or banks? 
      • Domain name

      Business Description

      You must give a detailed description of your business and why it exists to provide an overview of your service or products and their purpose. 

      It should include the following:

      • Company description
      • Products and services
      • Business model: Is it a Business-to-Business Model (B2B), Business -Business-to-consumer model (B2C), Subscription-Based Model, or On-Demand Business Model?
      • Your eCommerce business plan should contain a mission statement and values.
      • Ownership structure and management hierarchy.
      • Brief overview of external force, including legal, political, social, technological, economic, and environmental factors

      Highlight your products and Services

      Ensure you give an in-depth description of what you want to offer in exchange for money for money in your eCommerce business plan. 

      • What products and services do you offer? 
      • Why do you choose to offer these specific products and services? 
      • Outline your price model
      • Don’t forget to state the costs associated with each price model in your business plan. 

      Including eCommerce Sales Strategies in your business plan can help drive traffic to your websites, increase revenue, and enhance performance on your online store.

      Conduct a competitive market analysis

      You need to conduct a competitor analysis. List your products or services and how they stand out from your competitors. 

      A good market analysis should also include revenue projections and details regarding the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. 

      As you are writing your eCommerce business plan it is very vital to use a SWOT analysis for your market research to help develop a strong business strategy. 

      1. Strengths: What do you do well in your business? What are the competitive strengths that separate you from your competitors? What tangible assets do you have? 
      2. Weaknesses: are those things your business could do to be more competitive or what could be preventing you from beating out the competition? This might be low funding or a skill gap between you or a member of your team. 
      3. Opportunities: Do people like what you do? Is there any emerging need for your product or service? 
      4. Threats: What external factors might jeopardize your business? This may include competitors or market trends that might threaten you. 

      Develop a marketing plan

      Your marketing plan serves as a roadmap for how you will attract customers to your online store once you set it up. How you tend to reach your target audience and boost sales and revenue. Marketing budget, market research, advertising strategies, and KPI. It should also include the tools and software your business will need and use to execute its marketing plan.  

      The following strategies can be used for your marketing plan: 

      • Influencer marketing: You can partner with individuals who have a highly engaged audience on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. To promote your brand. 
      • Email marketing: You could let your customers know about sales and new products through email campaigns. 

      • Content Marketing: This can be done through the creation of blog posts, videos, and other forms of organic content that contain information relevant to your target audience. 
      • Search engine optimization (SEO): You can create content with relevant keywords to help rank your website or posts on Google search results.  
      • Paid advertising on various social media platforms.

      Financial Plan

      This is one of the most important aspects of your eCommerce business plan, especially if you are looking for investors.  You’ll have to explain your financial projections and liabilities and include the following in your financial plan:

      • Current income statement and balance sheet
      • Fixed expenses
      • Projected revenue 
      • A profit and loss statement, if your business already exists

      If you are yet to get funding for your business, you can see 7 ways to generate revenue to fund your business ideas, it will give you more insight as you write your eCommerce business plan.. 


      Launching an e-commerce business is like setting sail on a digital adventure. The thrill of uncharted waters beckons, but you need a sturdy vessel and a well-worn map to navigate the currents and storms. That’s where your eCommerce business plan comes in.

      Crafting a detailed plan isn’t about rigidity; it’s about empowerment. It’s about giving yourself the tools to steer confidently, anticipate challenges, and seize opportunities. Think of it as your compass, guiding you towards your vision of success.

      Keep in mind that, it is still a plan, and some unavoidable factors could necessitate changes. Markets shift, winds change, and another potential appears. Don’t be afraid to refold your map, recalibrate your course, and embrace the journey. Your plan is a living document, evolving with your business and the ever-evolving digital landscape.

      So, take a deep breath, chart your course, and set sail on your e-commerce odyssey. Remember, success isn’t just about reaching the destination, it’s about the adventures you have along the way. With meticulous planning, unwavering passion, and a spirit of exploration, you’ll navigate the digital seas and build an eCommerce empire that’s truly yours.


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      Meet the Writer

      Nneka T Obi

      Nneka Obi

      Writer & Blogger

      Nneka Theodora Obi is a Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate, with over four years of experience in Marketing. She is passionate about assisting small business owners to triple their revenue through content writing and other effective marketing strategies. Outside of the office, Nneka is an indoor person who loves spending time with family, reading, listening to music, and dancing.

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